Confidentiality policy - Photos 4W

French version - Version française

Gathering of personal data

Yves Pflieger, author of the application is committed to protect your privacy. The application does not collect any personal information about users or transmit any personal data.


This application does not use the geolocation to track your position.

Internet access

The application only requires access to the Microsoft Store, send comment or acquire other app of the author. In no case the application will use this connection to transmit any information or data personal other than those necessary for the purchase

Change of confidentiality policy

The author reserves the right to modify, as appropriate, this document. However, if personal information should be used otherwise as specified in the legal information provided at the time of the collection of data, the user would be informed through messages displayed in the application itself.

Contact the author

The author, Yves Pflieger, will be pleased to receive feedback to improve his application. You can contact him at the following address:

17, rue Ernest Meininger
68100 Mulhouse

Software Development engineer (Federal Institude of Technology Lausanne, Switzerland)
Microsoft Store Univesal Windows Platform apps development
© 2019 Yves Pflieger